La Bibliogràfica is a space where you can turn into reality any bibliographic idea to create art objects, which are at the same time books.
book’s laboratory

What is La Bibliogràfica?
Laboratory and support space for authors and artists
La Bibliogràfica is a books’ laboratory/workshop aimed at the cultural and artistic sector, from which creation, co-edition, design, art direction and whole artists’ and photography books production specialized knowledge, tools and accompaniment are offered. It is a lab in which we transform and develop artistic and visual projects into an edition format, prioritizing dialogue and creative research processes, with individualized solutions aimed at creating books with added value. During this accompaniment we work in the projects together with their authors, in the creative research we help focalize bibliophile potentialities of each project, we co-edit the visual proposal, we design the graphics and the page placement, and we plan the roadmap and coordinate all the production process in order to carry out a good book.
We also offer information and accompaniment to every author to deal with the costs phase and to elaborate a financing plan.
In the support sessions, together with the authors, we think about and work on the following questions:
- Which visual content do we have, and how do we want to communicate it?
- How can we go from the contents to the book?
- Which processes do we want to follow to make it possible?
- With which materials?
- Why does every book have a different shape?
- Which book design does our project require?